Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It has been long since I have blogged.
Not much changes in my life, except that exams are next week which I have yet to revise, and of course, that thing. I guess that is the best decision.
And well, homework are dumped on us daily. Sudden request to stay back in school is all too common. Really hope for this to end soon, but when it ends it will be the start of another new thing, which I am not sure if it is good or bad.
I just discovered this test that really describes me quite well.

You are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations.

A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent.

To outsiders you seem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable.

You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people.

In love, you tend to be very easy going and flexible.

The only thing you can't stand for is someone trying to change you or your life.

How you see yourself: Logical, flexible, and unconventional

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Indecisive, flippant, and disrespctful

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Well well, 2007 is the past and 2008 is the present.
Sigh..I see people with 200th post, 300th post but I'm still stuck at...
Resolutions for 2008
-Score well for O'level
-Stay happy
-Build more muscles
-Grow tall ( Unrealistic though )
-Study hard and play hard
Thats all. I find them easy to achieve if I put in enough effort.

School has started 3 days ago. I've been doing all my work consistently unlike the past. Feel quite proud of myself since I'm sort of like a slacker. Its a good time to be enlightened, since O'level is like 9 months away. Work hard everyone!

Anyway, today is a very special day. I hope it will be a day which I will be celebrating yearly. Do "you" agree with me?