Sunday, June 29, 2008

Few days ago, I went to Tampines with lzp. Nevermind that the bus trip took an hour plus and the little malay girl on board cried nearly throughout the trip, the real focus is on lzp part. So we went to meet his cousin and just hung around the mall. Then we went home. So while waiting for the bus at the interchange, lzp decided to sit on the railing. He jumped up and attempted to step on the railing in front to help him up. But he MISSED and KICKED an aunty's BUTT instead. Then the aunty shot him a dirty look like saying " what the hell is your problem". I laughed throughout the whole trip back. HAHA, RETARDED.

Oh, and I had my chinese oral last friday, and I got owned by the conversation topic. Sigh...
School is starting tomorrow for me, Sigh...
Results coming out tomorrow, Sigh...
O' level coming soon, Sigh...

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